About Us
Dr. Lawson first became a personal fiduciary while serving the needs of his family, serving as Agent under DPOA’s, ADHC, and Trusts. Since 1974 he has served in hundreds of cases. He is now a California Licensed Professional Fiduciary, a National Certified Guardian, and a member of the National Guardian Association and the Professional Fiduciary Association of California.
His practice specializes in several major areas: Serving as a fiduciary in various capacities that utilize his health and mental health expertise in assisting clients and families with Life Care, Health Care, LPS Conservatorships, Case & Care Management, and advocating and representing Veterans, the Disabled, Developmental Disabled, those challenged with Mental Health issues, Terminally Ill Individuals, those with any of several forms of Dementia, and the Elderly. Serving as a fiduciary in various capacities that utilize his business, entrepreneurial, financial, investment, tax law, insurance, and estate planning expertise.
This may include Asset Management, Investment Adviser, Bankruptcy Administration, Trust Administration, or Estate Administration. He offers Daily Money Management Services, including Bookkeeping, Financial Statements, Budgeting, Bill Paying, Credit & Debt Management, Employer Services, Benefit Management; and a wide array of Financial Planning Services. Serving as Guardian (for the Person or Estate), Conservator (for the Person or Estate), Trustee, Executor, Administrator, Personal Representative, Agent for Health Care Decisions, Attorney in Fact, Representative Payee, Receiver, and Guardian Ad Litem.
He may, depending on the specifics, serve as a Co-Fiduciary, Successor Fiduciary, or Standby Fiduciary. He is qualified with the Veterans Affairs Department as a Federal Fiduciary for Veteran Benefits.
He is qualified with the Social Security Administration as a Non-Attorney Personal Representative and Representative Payee. He is qualified to serve as a Limited Conservator for the Developmentally Disabled. Anytime he serves in a fiduciary role, he brings his additional expertise in the Investment, Tax, Insurance, Legal, Nursing, Mental Health, Crisis Management, Regulatory Compliance and Finance Professions to his role.
In utilizing his other professional roles while a fiduciary; he discloses, waives, or credits any contingency based commissions or fees in those other roles. He is a member of the National Ethics Association and closely follows and adheres to the ethical standards of practice in ALL ten of his licensed professions. When serving in any fiduciary role, he foregoes any allowed “Agency Superior” or “Suitability Standard” in favor of a “Strict Fiduciary Standard” and always performs in the client’s best interest.
Dr. Lawson started in healthcare as a Navy Corpsman serving with the U.S. Marines in Vietnam. He became a Registered Nurse specializing clinically in Emergency, Critical Care, and Adult Psychiatric Nursing. Administratively he has served as Nursing Executive, Hospital Administrator, Accreditation Surveyor, MediCare Certification Official, State Licensing Official, Regional Healthcare Planning Official, and Healthcare Consultant. He is Licensed as a California Professional Registered Nurse.
He is Board Certified by the American Nurse Credentialing Center as an Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health advance practice nurse having earned a Masters in Nursing-Psychiatric from California State University at Los Angeles. He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the Fielding Graduate Institute. He is certified as a: Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ); Instructor in Management of Assaultive Behavior (MAB) as well as CISD/CISM, and PART. He is an American Red Cross, FEMA, and Homeland Security trained, certified and experienced Disaster Health, Mental Health and Government Liaison Officer with experience in more than thirty-six Presidentially Declared Disasters.
He is certified to counsel and treat Traumatic Stress and Disaster victims. He is a Nationally Certified Dementia Practitioner and Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver and Case Manager. He is National Patient Advocate and member of the Alliance of Professional Healthcare Advocates.
CERTIFIED HEALTHCARE REGULATOR & CONSULTANT Dr. Lawson served with the then Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), now The Joint Commission (TJC) for twelve years as a surveyor and team leader certified by Medicare to survey all seven healthcare organization types (Acute, LTC/SNF, Ambulatory Surgery, Home Care, Hospice, Assisted Living, and Psychiatric).
He was team leader of the California Tri-part Survey process with JCAHO/CA DHS/CMA-QMC in accreditation/licensing/certification. Additionally, as the Chief of Health Facilities Inspection for the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department he served as the Contract Executive for the county’s contract with Region IX CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) and the Calif. State Dept. of Public Health Licensing & Certification Division.
As such, he supervised 300 plus physician, nurses, and specialist healthcare professionals in certification, licensing, and consumer complaint investigations of about 2300+ healthcare organizations in Los Angeles County. Additionally, his team inspected the health and mental health services of all federal, state, county, city, and other prisons, jails, and correctional institutions in Los Angeles County.
His team also inspected the food preparation facilities of all these facilities. He was certified as the Life Safety Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and is certified by the NFPA.
As a healthcare consultant since 1974, Dr. Lawson has assisted more than 900+ clients including the international, national, and local leaders in healthcare and municipalities and government agencies in Regulatory Compliance, Quality Improvement, and architectural design and construction of the environment of care.
In his overall career spanning from 1966 to currently, it is estimated that he has made a contribution to more than 13,000 Healthcare Organizations worldwide, 1.2 million healthcare practitioners and support staff, and made a positive impact on the quality of healthcare for more than one-hundred million patients and many more millions of members of the public and communities world-wide.